Perceptual Science Group @ MIT


Visual dexterity: In-hand reorientation of novel and complex object

T Chen, M Tippur, S Wu, V Kumar, E Adelson, P Agrawal
Science Robotics 8 (84), eadc9244, 2023
GelSight Svelte: A Human Finger-shaped Single-camera Tactile Robot
Finger with Large Sensing Coverage and Proprioceptive Sensing

J Zhao, EH Adelson
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2023
2 2023
GelSight Svelte Hand: A Three-finger, Two-DoF, Tactile-rich,
Low-cost Robot Hand for Dexterous Manipulation

J Zhao, EH Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.10886, 2023
Optomechanical Method to Measure Arterial Pulse and Assess
Cardiopulmonary Hemodynamics

EH Adelson, A Biswas, M Thanikachalam
US Patent App. 18/020,332, 2023
Flexible optical tactile sensor

E Adelson, S Liu
US Patent App. 17/665,186, 2023
Retrographic sensors with compact illumination

E Adelson, B Romero, FF Veiga
US Patent 11,703,321, 2023
1 2023
Retrographic sensor cartridge

J Rohaly, MK Johnson, N Lauder, EH Adelson
US Patent App. 29/795,021, 2023
Tactile-Reactive Roller Grasper

S Yuan, S Wang, R Patel, M Tippur, C Yako, E Adelson, K Salisbury
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09946, 2023
GelSight360: An Omnidirectional Camera-Based Tactile Sensor for
Dexterous Robotic Manipulation

MH Tippur, EH Adelson
2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft),
1-8, 2023
3 2023
GelSight EndoFlex: A Soft Endoskeleton Hand with Continuous
High-Resolution Tactile Sensing

SQ Liu, LZ Yañez, EH Adelson
2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft),
1-6, 2023
7 2023
GelSight Baby Fin Ray: A Compact, Compliant, Flexible Finger with
High-Resolution Tactile Sensing

SQ Liu, Y Ma, EH Adelson
2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft),
1-8, 2023
6 2023
Tactofind: A tactile only system for object retrieval

S Pai, T Chen, M Tippur, E Adelson, A Gupta, P Agrawal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.13482, 2023
3 2023
FingerSLAM: Closed-loop Unknown Object Localization and
Reconstruction from Visuo-tactile Feedback

J Zhao, M Bauza, EH Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07997, 2023
2 2023
Visuotactile affordances for cloth manipulation with local

N Sunil, S Wang, Y She, E Adelson, AR Garcia
Conference on Robot Learning, 1596-1606, 2023
10 2023
See, hear, and feel: Smart sensory fusion for robotic

H Li, Y Zhang, J Zhu, S Wang, MA Lee, H Xu, E Adelson, L Fei-Fei, R
Gao, …
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03858, 2022
13 2022
Visual dexterity: In-hand dexterous manipulation from depth

T Chen, M Tippur, S Wu, V Kumar, E Adelson, P Agrawal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.11744, 2022
30 2022
Surface topography measurement systems

J Rohaly, EH Adelson
US Patent App. 17/855,710, 2022
Surface topography measurement systems

J Rohaly, EH Adelson
Gelsight fin ray: Incorporating tactile sensing into a soft
compliant robotic gripper

SQ Liu, EH Adelson
2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft),
925-931, 2022
23 2022
Cable manipulation with a tactile-reactive gripper

Y She, S Wang, S Dong, N Sunil, A Rodriguez, E Adelson
The International Journal of Robotics Research 40 (12-14),
1385-1401, 2021
194 2021
Surface topography measurement systems

J Rohaly, EH Adelson
US Patent App. 17/321,868, 2021
Retrographic sensors

EH Adelson, FR Cottrell
US Patent App. 17/193,175, 2021
2 2021
Gelsight wedge: Measuring high-resolution 3d contact geometry with
a compact robot finger

S Wang, Y She, B Romero, E Adelson
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 6468-6475, 2021
53 2021
Tactile blood pressure imager

MA Srinivasan, M Thanikachalam, EH Adelson, A Biswas
US Patent App. 17/044,321, 2021
Surface topography measurement systems

J Rohaly, EH Adelson
US Patent 10,965,854, 2021
1 2021
Digger finger: Gelsight tactile sensor for object identification
inside granular media

R Patel, R Ouyang, B Romero, E Adelson
Experimental Robotics: The 17th International Symposium,
105-115, 2021
16 2021
Swingbot: Learning physical features from in-hand tactile
exploration for dynamic swing-up manipulation

C Wang, S Wang, B Romero, F Veiga, E Adelson
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2020
78 2020
Exoskeleton-covered soft finger with vision-based proprioception
and tactile sensing

Y She, SQ Liu, P Yu, E Adelson
2020 ieee international conference on robotics and automation
(icra), 10075 …, 2020
45 2020
Soft, round, high resolution tactile fingertip sensors for
dexterous robotic manipulation

B Romero, F Veiga, E Adelson
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 4796-4802, 2020
60 2020
Continuous contact-based three-dimensional measurement

EH Adelson, MK Johnson, J Rohaly
US Patent 10,574,944, 2020
6 2020
Design of a fully actuated robotic hand with multiple gelsight
tactile sensors

A Wilson, S Wang, B Romero, E Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.02474, 2020
24 2020
Surface topography measurement systems

J Rohaly, EH Adelson
US Patent App. 16/491,032, 2020
3 2020
Exoskeleton-covered soft finger with vision-based proprioception
and exteroception

Y She, SQ Liu, P Yu, E Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01287 4, 2019
5 2019
End-to-end pixelwise surface normal estimation with convolutional
neural networks and shape reconstruction using GelSight sensor

J Li, S Dong, EH Adelson
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
(ROBIO), 1292 …, 2018
16 2018
Robust plant phenotyping via model-based optimization

P Sodhi, H Sun, B Póczos, D Wettergreen
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2018
7 2018
3d shape perception from monocular vision, touch, and shape

S Wang, J Wu, X Sun, W Yuan, WT Freeman, JB Tenenbaum, EH Adelson
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2018
91 2018
Gelslim: A high-resolution, compact, robust, and calibrated
tactile-sensing finger

E Donlon, S Dong, M Liu, J Li, E Adelson, A Rodriguez
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2018
238 2018
More than a feeling: Learning to grasp and regrasp using vision and

R Calandra, A Owens, D Jayaraman, J Lin, W Yuan, J Malik, EH
Adelson, …
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 3300-3307, 2018
313 2018
Slip detection with combined tactile and visual information

J Li, S Dong, E Adelson
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 7772-7777, 2018
127 2018
Vitac: Feature sharing between vision and tactile sensing for cloth
texture recognition

S Luo, W Yuan, E Adelson, AG Cohn, R Fuentes
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 2722-2727, 2018
115 2018
Active clothing material perception using tactile sensing and deep

W Yuan, Y Mo, S Wang, EH Adelson
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 4842-4849, 2018
115 2018
Road-segmentation-based curb detection method for self-driving via
a 3D-LiDAR sensor

Y Zhang, J Wang, X Wang, JM Dolan
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 19 (12),
3981-3991, 2018
146 2018
Cloth texture recognition using vision and tactile sensing

S Luo, W Yuan, E Adelson, AG Cohn, R Fuentes
ICRA 2018 workshop: Active touch for perception and interaction: how
nature …, 2018
3 2018
Gelsight: High-resolution robot tactile sensors for estimating
geometry and force

W Yuan, S Dong, EH Adelson
Sensors 17 (12), 2762, 2017
681 2017
The feeling of success: Does touch sensing help predict grasp

R Calandra, A Owens, M Upadhyaya, W Yuan, J Lin, EH Adelson, …
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.05512, 2017
181 2017
Improved gelsight tactile sensor for measuring geometry and slip

S Dong, W Yuan, EH Adelson
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2017
200 2017
Tracking objects with point clouds from vision and touch

G Izatt, G Mirano, E Adelson, R Tedrake
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 4000-4007, 2017
78 2017
Shape-independent hardness estimation using deep learning and a
gelsight tactile sensor

W Yuan, C Zhu, A Owens, MA Srinivasan, EH Adelson
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 951-958, 2017
164 2017
Visual wetness perception based on image color statistics

M Sawayama, EH Adelson, S Nishida
Journal of vision 17 (5), 7-7, 2017
47 2017
High-resolution surface measurement systems and methods

EH Adelson, MK Johnson
US Patent 9,538,056, 2017
5 2017
Development of GelSight: A High-resolution Tactile Sensor for
Measuring Geometry and Force

W Yuan, S Dong, EH Adelson
Connecting look and feel: Associating the visual and tactile
properties of physical materials

W Yuan, S Wang, S Dong, E Adelson
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern …, 2017
109 2017
Motion, Early Vision, and the Plenoptic Function

EH Adelson
Frontiers in Optics, FTh4I. 3, 2016
Estimating object hardness with a gelsight touch sensor

W Yuan, MA Srinivasan, EH Adelson
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2016
76 2016
Can you see what you feel? Color and folding properties affect
visual–tactile material discrimination of fabrics

B Xiao, W Bi, X Jia, H Wei, EH Adelson
Journal of vision 16 (3), 34-34, 2016
55 2016
Can you see what you feel? Color and folding properties affect
visual–tactile material discrimination of fabrics

EH Adelson, B Xiao, W Bi, X Jia, H Wei
American University, 2016
Geometric Mechanics for Continuous Swimmers on Granular Material

J Dai, H Faraji, P Schiebel, C Gong, M Travers, R Hatton, D Goldman,
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, V40. 004, 2016
Visually indicated sounds

A Owens, P Isola, J McDermott, A Torralba, EH Adelson, WT Freeman
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and
pattern …, 2016
410 2016
Learning visual groups from co-occurrences in space and time

P Isola, D Zoran, D Krishnan, EH Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06811, 2015
129 2015
Band-sifting decomposition for image-based material editing

I Boyadzhiev, K Bala, S Paris, E Adelson
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (5), 1-16, 2015
61 2015
Talk abstract: Computational lighting design and band-sifting

S Paris, I Boyadzhiev, K Bala, EH Adelson
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),
36-37, 2015
High-resolution surface measurement systems and methods

EH Adelson, MK Johnson
US Patent 9,127,938, 2015
17 2015
Modifying material appearance with bandsifting operators

E Adelson, I Boyadzhiev, S Paris, K Bala
PERCEPTION 44, 85-85, 2015
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

E Adelson
US Patent App. 14/045,594, 2015
1 2015
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

E Adelson
US Patent App. 14/045,668, 2015
1 2015
Measurement of shear and slip with a GelSight tactile sensor

W Yuan, R Li, MA Srinivasan, EH Adelson
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA), 304-311, 2015
251 2015
Technical Perspective Image Processing Goes Back to Basics

E Adelson
COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 58 (3), 80-80, 2015
Image processing goes back to basics: technical perspective

E Adelson
Communications of the ACM 58 (3), 80-80, 2015
Discovering states and transformations in image collections

P Isola, JJ Lim, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and
pattern …, 2015
215 2015
On the appearance of translucent edges

I Gkioulekas, B Walter, EH Adelson, K Bala, T Zickler
Proceedings of the ieee conference on computer vision and
pattern …, 2015
40 2015
Sparklevision: Seeing the world through random specular

Z Zhang, P Isola, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern …, 2015
3 2015
Sparkle vision: Seeing the world through random specular

Z Zhang, P Isola, EH Adelson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7884, 2014
4 2014
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

E Adelson
US Patent App. 14/045,647, 2014
1 2014
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

E Adelson
US Patent App. 14/045,620, 2014
2 2014
Localization and manipulation of small parts using gelsight tactile

R Li, R Platt, W Yuan, A Ten Pas, N Roscup, MA Srinivasan, E Adelson
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems …, 2014
216 2014
Puffball Part Segmentation: Psychophysical and Statistical

N Twarog, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 893-893, 2014
Seeing in Shadeworld

E Adelson, P Isola
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 719-719, 2014
Looking against the light: how perception of translucency depends
on lighting direction and phase function

B Xiao, B Walter, I Gkioukelas, T Zickler, E Adelson, K Bala
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1316-1316, 2014
3 2014
Accuracy and speed of material categorization in real-world

L Sharan, R Rosenholtz, EH Adelson
Journal of vision 14 (9), 12-12, 2014
162 2014
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

E Adelson
US Patent App. 13/971,456, 2014
2 2014
Methods of and Systems for Three-Dimensional Digital Impression and
Visualization of Objects Through an Elastomer

J Rohaly, MK Johnson, EH Adelson
US Patent App. 14/056,817, 2014
26 2014
Looking against the light: How perception of translucency depends
on lighting direction

B Xiao, B Walter, I Gkioulekas, T Zickler, E Adelson, K Bala
Journal of vision 14 (3), 17-17, 2014
89 2014
Crisp boundary detection using pointwise mutual information

P Isola, D Zoran, D Krishnan, EH Adelson
Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich,
Switzerland …, 2014
232 2014
Optimal Gait Design for Systems With Drift on SO (3)

M Travers, H Choset
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 56130, V002T33A005, 2013
Understanding the role of phase function in translucent

I Gkioulekas, B Xiao, S Zhao, EH Adelson, T Zickler, K Bala
ACM Transactions on graphics (TOG) 32 (5), 1-19, 2013
91 2013
Can you see what you feel? Tactile and visual matching of material
properties of fabrics

B Xiao, X Jia, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 197-197, 2013
2 2013
Recognizing materials using perceptually inspired features

L Sharan, C Liu, R Rosenholtz, EH Adelson
International journal of computer vision 103, 348-371, 2013
233 2013
Lump detection with a gelsight sensor

X Jia, R Li, MA Srinivasan, EH Adelson
2013 World Haptics Conference (WHC), 175-179, 2013
28 2013
Tactile sensor using elastomeric imaging

EH Adelson
US Patent 8,411,140, 2013
62 2013
Sensing and recognizing surface textures using a gelsight sensor

R Li, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern …, 2013
138 2013
Playing with puffball: simple scale-invariant inflation for use in
vision and graphics

NR Twarog, MF Tappen, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on applied perception, 47-54, 2012
20 2012
A unified approach to estimating shape from images

P Isola, F Cole, B Freeman, F Durand, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 276-276, 2012
Effects of shape and color on the perception of translucency

B Xiao, I Gkioulekas, A Dunn, S Zhao, E Adelson, T Zickler, K Bala
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 948-948, 2012
3 2012
Estimating material by estimating shape

E Adelson, F Cole, P Isola, W Freeman, F Durand
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 946-946, 2012
Shapecollage: Occlusion-aware, example-based shape

F Cole, P Isola, WT Freeman, F Durand, EH Adelson
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer
Vision …, 2012
20 2012
Speed of Material vs. Object Recognition Depends upon Viewing

B Xiao, L Sharan, R Rosenholtz, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 11 (15), 19-19, 2011
2 2011
deForm: an interactive malleable surface for capturing 2.5 D
arbitrary objects, tools and touch

S Follmer, M Johnson, E Adelson, H Ishii
Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface
software and …, 2011
53 2011
Interpreting line drawings of smooth shapes

F Cole, F Durand, B Freeman, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 47-47, 2011
3 2011
Material recognition is fast, but not superfast

E Adelson, L Sharan, R Rosenholtz
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 402-402, 2011
2 2011
Segmenting 2D Shapes using 3D Inflation

NR Twarog, EH Adelson, MF Tappen
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 851-851, 2011
Microgeometry capture using an elastomeric sensor

MK Johnson, F Cole, A Raj, EH Adelson
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 30 (4), 1-8, 2011
230 2011
Visualizing and measuring detailed shape and texture with an
elastomeric sensor

EH Adelson, MK Johnson
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, JTuD2, 2011
2 2011
Surface Metrology using an Elastomeric Sensor

MK Johnson, EH Adelson
Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology,
AITuB4, 2011
Shape estimation in natural illumination

MK Johnson, EH Adelson
CVPR 2011, 2553-2560, 2011
171 2011
A computational model for material recognition

L Sharan, C Liu, R Rosenholtz, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 987-987, 2010
Exploring features in a bayesian framework for material

C Liu, L Sharan, EH Adelson, R Rosenholtz
2010 ieee computer society conference on computer vision and
pattern …, 2010
319 2010
Personal photo enhancement using example images.

N Joshi, W Matusik, EH Adelson, DJ Kriegman
ACM Trans. Graph. 29 (2), 12:1-12:15, 2010
122 2010
Shape from Sheen

EH Adelson, A Torralba, RW Fleming
1 2009
Ground truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image

R Grosse, MK Johnson, EH Adelson, WT Freeman
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision,
2335-2342, 2009
515 2009
An interactive” retrographic sensor” for touch, texture, and

A Raj, MK Johnson, EH Adelson
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies, 1-1, 2009
The effect of color saturation and luminance contrast on color

L Nakano, T Takeuchi, I Motoyoshi, Y Li, E Adelson, S Nishida
Journal of vision 9 (8), 1040-1040, 2009
4 2009
Material perception: What can you see in a brief glance?

L Sharan, R Rosenholtz, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 784-784, 2009
360 2009
Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and

MK Johnson, EH Adelson
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
1070-1077, 2009
331 2009
The Perception of Surfaces and Materials.

EH Adelson
Color Imaging Conference, 1, 2009
Shape from sheen

RW Fleming, A Torralba, EH Adelson
Three dimensional shape perception. Q. Zaidi,(Ed.) Springer, 2009
18 2009
Personal photo enhancement using prior images

N Joshi, W Matusik, EH Adelson, DJ Kriegman
ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 posters, 1-1, 2008
1 2008
Human-assisted motion annotation

C Liu, WT Freeman, EH Adelson, Y Weiss
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
1-8, 2008
261 2008
ScribbleBoost: Adding Classification to Edge‐Aware Interpolation of
Local Image and Video Adjustments

Y Li, E Adelson, A Agarwala
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (4), 1255-1264, 2008
75 2008
Human-assisted motion annotation for real-world videos

C Liu, E Adelson, W Freeman
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 679-679, 2008
Eye movements for shape and material perception

L Sharan, R Rosenholtz, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 219-219, 2008
9 2008
Image statistics for 3D shape estimation

R Fleming, Y Li, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 76-76, 2008
6 2008
Do colored highlights look like highlights

S Nishida, I Motoyoshi, L Nakano, Y Li, L Sharan, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 339, 2008
26 2008
Image statistics for surface reflectance perception

L Sharan, Y Li, I Motoyoshi, S Nishida, EH Adelson
JOSA A 25 (4), 846-865, 2008
147 2008
Image mapping using local and global statistics

Y Li, E Adelson
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIII 6806, 399-409, 2008
9 2008
Image statistics and surface perception

EH Adelson
Human vision and electronic imaging XIII 6806, 13-21, 2008
26 2008
Image mapping using local and global statistics [6806-38]

Y Li, E Adelson
6806, 6806, 2008
Image statistics and surface perception (Keynote Paper)[6806-01]

EH Adelson
6806, 6806, 2008
Apparent ridges for line drawing

T Judd, F Durand, E Adelson
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 26 (3), 19-es, 2007
370 2007
Learning gaussian conditional random fields for low-level vision

MF Tappen, C Liu, EH Adelson, WT Freeman
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
1-8, 2007
210 2007
Histogram skewness is useful and easily computed in neural

L Sharan, E Adelson, I Motoyoshi, S Nishida
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 966-966, 2007
Imposing both local and global image statistics leads to
perceptually improved superresolution

Y Li, E Adelson
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 965-965, 2007
Image statistics and the perception of surface qualities

I Motoyoshi, S Nishida, L Sharan, EH Adelson
Nature 447 (7141), 206-209, 2007
731 2007
Where do you draw the lines?

E Adelson, T Judd, F Durand
PERCEPTION 36, 104-104, 2007
Non-oriented filters are better than oriented filters for skewness

L Sharan, EH Adelson, I Motoyoshi, S Nishida
Perception 36 (6a), 206-209, 2007
4 2007
Estimating intrinsic component images using non-linear

MF Tappen, EH Adelson, WT Freeman
2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern …, 2006
134 2006
Learning the statistics of illumination and reflectance

EH Adelson, MF Tappen, WT Freeman, Y Li
Journal of Vision 6 (6), 102-102, 2006
Image statistics for surface reflectance estimation

L Sharan, Y Li, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 6 (6), 101-101, 2006
2 2006
Analysis of contour motions

C Liu, W Freeman, E Adelson
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2006
45 2006
Image statistics as a determinant of reflectance perception

I Motoyoshi, S Nishida, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 5 (8), 569-569, 2005
5 2005
Image statistics and reflectance estimation

L Sharan, Y Li, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 5 (8), 375-375, 2005
5 2005
Perceptually based range compression for high dynamic range

Y Li, L Sharan, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 5 (8), 598-598, 2005
11 2005
Luminance re-mapping for the control of apparent material

I Motoyoshi, S Nishida, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on Applied perception in graphics
and …, 2005
18 2005
Motion magnification

C Liu, A Torralba, WT Freeman, F Durand, EH Adelson
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 24 (3), 519-526, 2005
496 2005
Compressing and companding high dynamic range images with subband

Y Li, L Sharan, EH Adelson
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 24 (3), 836-844, 2005
368 2005
Checkershadow illusion. 1995

EH Adelson
URL http://web. mit.
edu/persci/people/adelson/checkershadow_illusion. html, 2005
21 2005
Material Perception

EH Adelson, L Sharan, Y Li
CSAIL Research Abstract, 2005
1 2005
Adaptation to skewed image statistics alters the perception of
glossiness and lightness

I Motoyoshi, S Nishida, EH Adelson
PERCEPTION 34, 24-24, 2005
6 2005
Straightness as a cue for luminance edge interpretation

AD Logvinenko, EH Adelson, DA Ross, D Somers
Perception & Psychophysics 67 (1), 120-128, 2005
19 2005
Motion perception and mid-level vision

J McDermott, EH Adelson
The cognitive neurosciences III, 369-383, 2004
8 2004
The geometry of the occluding contour and its effect on motion

J McDermott, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 4 (10), 9-9, 2004
38 2004
Statistical characterization of real-world illumination

RO Dror, AS Willsky, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 4 (9), 11-11, 2004
170 2004
Specular reflections and the perception of shape

RW Fleming, A Torralba, EH Adelson
Journal of vision 4 (9), 10-10, 2004
369 2004
Junctions and cost functions in motion interpretation

J McDermott, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 4 (7), 3-3, 2004
19 2004
Image statistics for material perception

EH Adelson, Y Li, L Sharan
Journal of Vision 4 (8), 123-123, 2004
7 2004
9.35 Sensation and Perception, Spring 2004

EH Adelson
Genericity and junctions in motion interpretation

J McDermott, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 3 (9), 480, 2003
Textural statistics and surface perception.

EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 3 (9), 48-48, 2003
3 2003
How image statistics drive shape-from-texture and

RW Fleming, A Torralba, RO Dror, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 3 (9), 73-73, 2003
7 2003
Real-world illumination and the perception of surface reflectance

RW Fleming, RO Dror, EH Adelson
Journal of vision 3 (5), 3-3, 2003
524 2003
Energy versus synchrony in perceptual grouping

H Farid, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 2 (7), 703-703, 2002
Motion illusions as optimal percepts

Y Weiss, EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Nature neuroscience 5 (6), 598-604, 2002
1303 2002
Recovering shading and reflectance from a single image

MF Tappen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
8 2002
Recovering intrinsic images from a single image

M Tappen, W Freeman, E Adelson
Advances in neural information processing systems 15, 2002
617 2002
Statistics of real-world illumination

RO Dror, TK Leung, EH Adelson, AS Willsky
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision …, 2001
72 2001
Surface reflectance estimation under unknown natural

RW Fleming, RO Dror, EH Adelson
Journal of Vision 1 (3), 43-43, 2001
4 2001
Straightness, structure, and shadows

E Adelson, D Somers
Journal of Vision 1 (3), 204-204, 2001
4 2001
How do humans determine reflectance properties under unknown

RW Fleming, RO Dror, EH Adelson
38 2001
Recognition of surface reflectance properties from a single image
under unknown real-world illumination

RO Dror, EH Adelson, AS Willsky
77 2001
Surface reflectance estimation and natural illumination

RO Dror, EH Adelson, AS Willsky
28 2001
Synchrony does not promote grouping in temporally structured

H Farid, EH Adelson
Nature Neuroscience 4 (9), 875-876, 2001
53 2001
Beyond junctions: nonlocal form constraints on motion

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Perception 30 (8), 905-923, 2001
91 2001
Estimating surface reflectance properties from images under unknown

RO Dror, EH Adelson, AS Willsky
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI 4299, 231-242, 2001
48 2001
On seeing stuff: the perception of materials by humans and

EH Adelson
Human vision and electronic imaging VI 4299, 1-12, 2001
410 2001
Genericity, not junctions: Insights from moving crosses

J McDermott, EH Adelson, Y Weiss
PERCEPTION 30, 101-101, 2001
Using image statistics in material perception

EH Adelson, R Fleming, R Dror
PERCEPTION 30, 96-96, 2001
Adventures with gelatinous ellipses—constraints on models of human
motion analysis

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Perception 29 (5), 543-566, 2000
50 2000
Standard mechanisms can explain grouping in temporally synchronous

H Farid, EH Adelson
S438-S438, 2000
2 2000
The computation of occlusion for motion perception

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 41 (4),
S544-S544, 2000
1 2000
Temporal dynamics reveal multiple mechanisms of brightness

DC Somers, KR Nichols, EH Adelson
S956-S956, 2000
1 2000
Buttons, bevels, and shadows.

EH Adelson
S741-S741, 2000
Lightness perceptions and lightness illusions. The new cognitive
sciences, M. Gazzaniga

EH Adelson
MIT Press, 2000
9 2000
Lightness perception and lightness illusions. The new cognitive

EH Adelson
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000
36 2000
The new cognitive neurosciences

EH Adelson, M Gazzaniga
Lightness perception and lightness illusions, 339-351, 2000
78 2000
Shadows are fuzzy and straight; paint is sharp and crooked

EH Adelson, D Somers
Perception 29, 46-46, 2000
5 2000
Filtering reveals form in temporally structured displays

EH Adelson, H Farid
Science 286 (5448), 2231-2231, 1999
32 1999
Separating reflections from images by use of independent component

H Farid, EH Adelson
JOSA A 16 (9), 2136-2145, 1999
200 1999
Separating reflections and lighting using independent components

H Farid, EH Adelson
Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and …, 1999
196 1999
Amodal completion and depth segregation in motion integration

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
S390-S390, 1999
Analyzing junctions with atmospheric transfer functions

EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 40 (4),
S987-S987, 1999
1 1999
TECHNICAL COMMENTS-Filtering Reveals Form in Temporally Structured

EH Adelson, H Farid
Science-International Edition-AAAS 286 (5448), 2361, 1999
Image Processing-Separating reflections from images by use of
independent component analysis

H Farid, EH Adelson
Journal of the Optical Society of America-A-Optics Image Science and
Vision …, 1999
Articulation and scene statistics

EH Adelson
Perception 28, 17-17, 1999
1 1999
The computation of occlusion for motion perception

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
PERCEPTION 28, 80-80, 1999
1 1999
Method and apparatus for enhancing images using helper signals

B Girod, EH Adelson
US Patent 5,818,972, 1998
20 1998
Subband texture synthesis for image coding

SY Yoon, EH Adelson
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III 3299, 489-497, 1998
16 1998
Slow and smooth: A Bayesian theory for the combination of local
motion signals in human vision

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
162 1998
Layered representation for image coding

EH Adelson
US Patent 5,706,417, 1998
110 1998
What makes a good T junction?

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Perception 27, 40-41, 1998
1 1998
Atmospheric boundaries in lightness perception

EH Adelson, DC Somers
Perception 26 (1_suppl), 60-60, 1997
2 1997
Doggone Dalmatian!

P Sinha, E Adelson
Perception 26 (5), 667-667, 1997
1 1997
Surface perception and motion integration

J McDermott, Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 38 (4),
1108-1108, 1997
5 1997
Junctions, transparency, and brightness

DC Somers, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 38 (4),
2126-2126, 1997
17 1997
Vector averaging as Bayesian IOC

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 38 (4),
4358-4358, 1997
3 1997
Noise removal via Bayesian wavelet coring

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
1, 379-382, 1996
991 1996
System for encoding image data into multiple layers representing
regions of coherent motion and associated motion parameters

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
US Patent 5,557,684, 1996
268 1996
The perception of shading and reflectance

EH Adelson, AP Pentland
Perception as Bayesian inference 409, 423, 1996
306 1996
Layers and alpha maps as visual representations

EH Adelson, JYA Wang
Perception 25 (1_suppl), 5-5, 1996
1 1996
Interaction of Multiple Surface Cues in Motion Grouping

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Perception 25 (1_suppl), 178-178, 1996
1 1996
A unified mixture framework for motion segmentation: Incorporating
spatial coherence and estimating the number of models

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision
and …, 1996
378 1996
Noise reduction system

EH Adelson, WT Freeman
US Patent 5,526,446, 1996
163 1996
Layers, warps, and alpha maps in mid-level vision

EH Adelson, JYA Wang
2122-2122, 1996
1 1996
Integration and segmentation of non-rigid motion: a computational

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 37 (3),
3395-3395, 1996
1 1996
Motion estimation and segmentation using a recurrent mixture of
experts architecture

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal
Processing …, 1995
18 1995
Layered representations for vision and video

EH Adelson
Proceedings IEEE Workshop on Representation of Visual Scenes (In
Conjunction …, 1995
46 1995
Integration and segmentation of nonrigid motion

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 36 (4),
S228-S228, 1995
2 1995
The analysis of moving visual patterns 1986. In Pattern Recognition
Mechanisms, edited by C. Chagas, R. Gattass, and C. Gross. New York:

JA Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi, WT Newsome
Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience, 148, 1995
Checkershadow illusion

EH Adelson
137 1995
Adventures with gelatinous ellipses

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Perception 24, 31-31, 1995
2 1995
Perceptually organized EM: A framework for motion segmentation that
combines information about form and motion

Y Weiss, EH Adelson
Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995
81 1995
Transparent motion perception as detection of unbalanced motion
signals. III. Modeling

N Qian, RA Andersen, EH Adelson
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (12), 7381-7392, 1994
174 1994
Transparent motion perception as detection of unbalanced motion
signals. I. Psychophysics

N Qian, RA Andersen, EH Adelson
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (12), 7357-7366, 1994
371 1994
Mid-level vision: New directions in vision and video

EH Adelson, JYA Wang, SA Niyogi
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Image Processing 2,
21-25, 1994
11 1994
Analyzing gait with spatiotemporal surfaces

SA Niyogi, EH Adelson
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE Workshop on Motion of Non-rigid and
Articulated …, 1994
234 1994
Representing moving images with layers

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
IEEE transactions on image processing 3 (5), 625-638, 1994
1703 1994
Analyzing and recognizing walking figures in XYT

Niyogi, Adelson
1994 Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern …, 1994
948 1994
Applying mid-level vision techniques for video data compression and

J Wang, EH Adelson
Digital Video Compression on Personal Computers: Algorithms and
Technologies …, 1994
44 1994
Spatio-temporal segmentation of video data

J Wang, EH Adelson
Image and Video Processing II 2182, 120-131, 1994
160 1994
Remote influences on brightness illusions

EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 35 (4),
1490-1490, 1994
3 1994
Applying mid-level vision techniques for video data compression and
manipulation [2187-11]

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
116-116, 1994
Spatio-temporal segmentation of video data [2182-12]

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
120-120, 1994
Perceptual organization and the judgment of brightness

EH Adelson
Science 262 (5142), 2042-2044, 1993
748 1993
Lightness, transparency, and midlevel vision

EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, WJJ. 1, 1993
Layered representation for motion analysis

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition …, 1993
441 1993
Verifying the’consistency’of shading patterns and 3-D structures

P Sinha, E Adelson
[1993] Proceedings IEEE Workshop on Qualitative Vision, 71-80, 1993
6 1993
Recovering reflectance and illumination in a world of painted

P Sinha, E Adelson
1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision, 156-163, 1993
150 1993
Layered representation for image sequence coding

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
1993 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal …, 1993
29 1993
Optimal brightness patterns for 2-D optical flow

EH Adelson, JL Prince
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE International
Conference on 5 …, 1993
A computational model for the integration of form and motion

1029-1029, 1993
1 1993
Recovering 3D shapes from 2D line-drawings

P Sinha, E Adelson
Intelligent Robotics; Proceedings of the International Symposium
on …, 1993
4 1993
Motion, orientation, and early vision

EH Adelson
Spatial Vision 7 (1), 88-88, 1993
1 1993
Single-eye range estimation by using displaced apertures with color

Y Amari, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Industrial
Electronics …, 1992
26 1992
Vision with equiluminant colour contrast: 2. A large-scale
technique and observations

P Cavanagh, EH Adelson, P Heard
Perception 21 (2), 219-226, 1992
34 1992

1259-1259, 1992

P Sinha, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 33 (4),
825-825, 1992
10 1992
Probabilistic contour analysis in a hypercolumn representation

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
825-825, 1992
1 1992
Shiftable multiscale transforms

EP Simoncelli, WT Freeman, EH Adelson, DJ Heeger
IEEE transactions on Information Theory 38 (2), 587-607, 1992
2070 1992
Directionally selective complex cells and the computation of motion
energy in cat visual cortex

RC Emerson, JR Bergen, EH Adelson
Vision research 32 (2), 203-218, 1992
374 1992
Single lens stereo with a plenoptic camera

EH Adelson, JYA Wang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 14
(2), 99-106, 1992
1509 1992
A Model of Transparent Motion Perception Using Layers

Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science Supplement (ARVO 1992)
33, 1142, 1992
1 1992
A computational model for perception of two-dimensional pattern

EP Simoncelli, DJ Heeger, EH Adelson
Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science Supplement 33,
1142, 1992
11 1992
Optical ranging apparatus

EH Adelson
US Patent 5,076,687, 1991
230 1991
Layered representations for image coding

EH Adelson
Vision and Modeling Group, Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of …, 1991
71 1991
Steerable pyramids for image decomposition and enhancement

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, WV5, 1991
The plenoptic function and the elements of early vision

EH Adelson, JR Bergen
Computational models of visual processing 1 (2), 3-20, 1991
2607 1991
H., and William T

E Adelson
Freeman,” The Design and Use of Steerable Filters,” IEEE T-PAMI 13,
891-906, 1991
2 1991
The design and use of steerable filters

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
IEEE Transactions on Pattern analysis and machine intelligence 13
(9), 891-906, 1991
4616 1991
Mechanisms for motion perception

E Adelson
Optics and Photonics News 2 (8), 24-30, 1991
36 1991
Motion without movement

WT Freeman, EH Adelson, DJ Heeger
ACM Siggraph Computer Graphics 25 (4), 27-30, 1991
201 1991
Probability distributions of optical flow.

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson, DJ Heeger
CVPR 91, 310-315, 1991
593 1991
Probability distributions of optical flow

EH Adelson, EP Simoncelli, DJ Heeger
IEEE Conf. Comput. Vision and Pattern Recognition, 310315, 1991
9 1991
Pyramids and multiscale representations

EH Adelson, EP Simoncelli, WT Freeman
Representations and Vision, Gorea A.,(Ed.). Cambridge University
Press …, 1991
45 1991
Receiver-compatible enhanced definition television system

WF Schreiber, AB Lippman, EH Adelson, AN Netravali
US Patent 5,010,405, 1991
223 1991
Extended definition television systems

AB Lippman, EH Adelson, WJ Butera
US Patent 5,003,377, 1991
5 1991
Junction detection and classification

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
1279-1279, 1991
8 1991

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 32 (4),
893-893, 1991
13 1991

827-827, 1991
2 1991

1024-1024, 1991
Computing optical flow distributions using spatio-temporal

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Vision and Modeling Group, Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of …, 1991
36 1991
The plenoptic function and the elements of early vision.
Computational Models of Visual Processing

EH Adelson, JR Bergen
Int. J. Comput. Vis 20, 1991
71 1991
William T. Freeman Edward H. Adelson y

EH Adelson
Computational models of visual processing

EH Adelson, JR Bergen
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1991
167 1991
” The Plenoptic Function and the Elements of Early Vision”,
Computational Models of Visual

Processing, Chap. 1, Edited by M. Landy and JA Movshon, 1991
2 1991
Pyramids for early vision

EH Adelson, E Simoncelli, WT Freeman
Representations of vision, 3-16, 1991
3 1991
A stereoscopic camera employing a single main lens

EH Adelson, JYA Wang
Proceedings. 1991 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and …, 1991
5 1991
Elements of early vision

EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, ME1, 1990
Extensions of steerable filters

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, MT2, 1990
Single-lens stereoscopic camera

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, FKK4, 1990
Ordinal aspects of transparent junctions

P Anandan, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, FDD3, 1990
1 1990
Optical flow distributions: gradient, energy, and regression

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, FDD4, 1990
2 1990
System for ascertaining direction of blur in a range-from-defocus

B Girod, EH Adelson
US Patent 4,965,442, 1990
60 1990
Ordinal characteristics of transparency

EH Adelson, P Anandan
Vision and Modeling Group, Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of …, 1990
168 1990
Digital signal encoding and decoding apparatus

EH Adelson
US Patent 4,939,515, 1990
428 1990
Non-separable extensions of quadrature mirror filters to multiple

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Proceedings of the IEEE 78 (4), 652-664, 1990
196 1990
Subband image coding with hexagonal quadrature mirror filters

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Picture Coding Symposium, 1990
9 1990
Subband image coding with three-tap pyramids

EH Adelson, EP Simoncelli
Picture Coding Symposium, 1-3, 1990
48 1990
Lightness judgements and perceptual organization

EH Adelson
Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 1304, 1990
6 1990
Subband transforms

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Subband image coding, 143-192, 1990
172 1990
Pyramids for vision and image processing

EH Adelson
PERCEPTION 19 (4), 325-325, 1990
Steerable filters for early vision, image analysis, and wavelet

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
Proceedings Third International Conference on Computer Vision,
406,407,408 …, 1990
98 1990
The perceptual buildup of three-dimensional structure from

EC Hildreth, NM Grzywacz, EH Adelson, VK Inada
Perception & Psychophysics 48, 19-36, 1990
84 1990

CR Carlson, EH Adelson, CH Anderson
A compatible high-definition television system using the
noise-margin method of hiding enhancement information

WF Schreiber, EH Adelson, AB Lippman, G Rongshu, P Monta, A Popat,
SMPTE journal 98 (12), 873-879, 1989
17 1989
Nonseparable QMF pyramids

EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson
Visual Communications and Image Processing IV 1199, 1242-1246, 1989
9 1989
Nonlinear model of cat striate physiology

DJ Heeger, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, TUT2, 1989
6 1989
Steerable filters for image analysis

WT Freeman, EH Adelson, EP Simoncelli
OSA Annual Meeting, MJJ4, 1989
20 1989
Analyzing shading and reflectance

EH Adelson, AP Pentland
OSA Annual Meeting, MJJ2, 1989
1 1989
Hexagonal qmf pyramids

EH Adelson, EP Simoncelli
Applied Vision, WB2, 1989
2 1989
Steerable filters

WT Freeman, EH Adelson
Image Understanding and Machine Vision, WB2, 1989
25 1989
Truncated subband coding of images

EH Adelson, EPM Simoncelli
US Patent 4,817,182, 1989
97 1989

CM No, EC Hildreth, NM Grzywacz, EH Adelson, VK Inada
Early vision and texture perception

JR Bergen, EH Adelson
Nature 333 (6171), 363-364, 1988
476 1988
Single-channel backward-compatible EDTV systems

AB Lippmanny, AN Netravali, EH Adelson, WR Neuman, WF Schreiber
Television Technology in Transition: 22nd Annual SMPTE Television
Conference …, 1988
10 1988
Channel-compatible 6-MHz HDTV distribution systems

WF Schreiber, AB Lippman, AN Netravali, EH Adelson, DH Staelin
Television Technology in Transition: 22nd Annual SMPTE Television
Conference …, 1988
29 1988
The temporal integration of 3-D structure from motion: a
computational and psychophysical study

NM Grzywacz, EC Hildreth, VK Inada, EH Adelson
Organization of neural networks, 239-259, 1988
11 1988
Efficient image coding with QMF pyramids

E Simoncelli, EH Adelson, R Hingorani
OSA Annual Meeting, WL7, 1987
QMF pyramids: a new class of orthogonal pyramid transform

EH Adelson, E Simoncelli
OSA Annual Meeting, WL6, 1987
Visual mechanisms and visual illusions

EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, WB1, 1987
Hierarchical, computationally efficient motion estimation

JR Bergen, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, MY5, 1987
81 1987
Orthogonal Pyramid Transforms For Image Coding.

EH Adelson, E Simoncelli, R Hingorani
Visual Communications and image processing II 845, 50-58, 1987
540 1987
Method for compensating for void-defects in images

PJ Burt, EH Adelson
US Patent 4,698,843, 1987
26 1987
Depth-of-focus imaging process method

EH Adelson
US Patent 4,661,986, 1987
219 1987
The Laplacian pyramid as a compact image code

PJ Burt, EH Adelson
Readings in computer vision, 671-679, 1987
9937 1987
Visual texture segmentation based on energy measures

JR Bergen, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, THN7, 1986
51 1986
Experimental brain research supplementum ii: pattern recognition

JA Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi, WT Newsome
8 1986
The perceptual buildup of three-dimensional structure from

VK Inada, EC Hildreth, NM Grzywacz, EH Adelson
Invest. Ophthal. Visual Sci. Suppl 27, 142, 1986
7 1986
The extraction of spatio-temporal energy in human and machine

EH Adelson
IEEE Workshop on Motion: Representation and analysis, 151-155, 1986
217 1986
Merging images through pattern decomposition

PJ Burt, EH Adelson
Applications of digital image processing VIII 575, 173-181, 1985
243 1985
Manipulating image information with pyramids

EH Adelson, PJ Burt
OSA Annual Meeting, THX2, 1985
Mechanisms for the detection of flicker and motion

JR Bergen, EH Adelson
OSA Annual Meeting, FQ5, 1985
1 1985
Pyramid-based computer graphics

JM Ogden, EH Adelson, JR Bergen, PJ Burt
RCA engineer 30 (5), 4-15, 1985
222 1985
System for coring an image-representing signal

CR Carlson, EH Adelson, CH Anderson
US Patent 4,523,230, 1985
89 1985
Improved system for coring an image-representing signal

CR Carlson, EH Adelson, CH Anderson
1 1985
Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion

EH Adelson, JR Bergen
Josa a 2 (2), 284-299, 1985
4599 1985
The analysis of visual moving patterns

JA Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi, WT Newsome
Pattern recognition mechanisms, 117-151, 1985
60 1985
Pattern recognition mechanisms

JA Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi, WT Newsome, C Chagas, R Gattas,
158 1985
The analysis of moving visual patterns

JA Movshon
Experimental Brain Research, 117-151, 1985
1175 1985
Pyramid methods in image processing

EH Adelson, CH Anderson, JR Bergen, PJ Burt, JM Ogden
RCA engineer 29 (6), 33-41, 1984
1783 1984
75 Inventor: Jerome M. Shapiro, Philadelphia, Pa.

EH Adelson, E Simoncelli, RH SPIE
Research & Development 28 (2), 1984
Multi-resolution splining using A pyramid image representation

EH Adelson, PJ Burt
Applications of Digital Image Processing VI 432, 204-210, 1984
3 1984
Motion channels based on spatiotemporal energy

E Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 25, 1984
16 1984
Chromokinetic effect: a surprising interaction of color, luminance,
and motion (A)

JR Bergen, EH Adelson
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 1, 1284, 1984
The perception of coherent motion in two-dimensional patterns

EH Adelson, JA Movshon
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 18 (1), 23-23, 1984
35 1984
Binocular disparity and the computation of two-dimensional motion

EH Adelson, JA Movshon
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 1, 1266, 1984
59 1984
A multiresolution spline with application to image mosaics

PJ Burt, EH Adelson
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 2 (4), 217-236, 1983
1725 1983
What is iconic storage good for?

EH Adelson
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1), 11-12, 1983
12 1983
In C. Chagas, R. Gattas, & DG Gross

A Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi, WT Newsome
Pattern recognition mechanisms, 1983
3 1983
Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion (A)

EH Adelson, JR Bergen
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 73, 1861, 1983
11 1983
Phenomenal coherence of moving visual patterns

EH Adelson, JA Movshon
Nature 300 (5892), 523-525, 1982
1447 1982
Image encoding with the Laplacian pyramid (A)

EH Adelson, PJ Burt
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 72, 1803, 1982
3 1982
Phenomenal coherence of Barbas, H.(1988)

EH Adelson, JA Movshon
Anatomic organization of basoventral and medio, 1982
5 1982
Some new illusions and some old ones analyzed in terms of their
Fourier components

EH Adelson
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 22, 144, 1982
43 1982
The delayed rod afterimage

EH Adelson
Vision Research 22 (10), 1313-1328, 1982
27 1982
Saturation and adaptation in the rod system

EH Adelson
Vision research 22 (10), 1299-1312, 1982
213 1982
Nonlinear scale for plotting color-matching functions

EH Adelson
JOSA 71 (2), 201-203, 1981
Image data compression with the Laplacian pyramid

PJ Burt, EH Adelson
Proc. IEEE Conf. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 1981
3 1981
Phenomenal coherence of moving gratings (A)

EH Adelson, JA Movshon
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 70, 1605, 1980
7 1980
Bleaches as equivalent backgrounds and equivalent filters (A)

EH Adelson
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 70, 1616, 1980
3 1980
Image data compression with the Laplacian pyramid

EH Adelson, PJ Burt
University of Maryland, 1980
96 1980
The psychophysics of iconic storage.

EH Adelson, J Jonides
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
6 (3), 486, 1980
96 1980
Directional movement selectivity in cortical complex cells

JA Movshon, ET Davis, EH Adelson
Soc. Neurosci. Abs 6, 670, 1980
18 1980
Visual persistence without the rods.

EH Adelson
Perception & Psychophysics, 1979
42 1979
The response of the rod system to bright flashes of light

EH Adelson
University of Michigan, 1979
1 1979
Mathematics of afterimage discrimination (A)

EH Adelson
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 69, 1432, 1979
1 1979
Iconic storage: The role of rods

EH Adelson
Science 201 (4355), 544-546, 1978
46 1978
Decay of rod signals following bright flashes (A)

EH Adelson
Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983) 67, 1427, 1977
5 1977

JB Abshire, N Acquista, J See Reader, EH Adelson, J Agostinelli, …
Transformation 50, 487, 1739
24 Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions

EH Adelson
738 24
See, Hear, and Feel: Smart Sensory Fusion for Robotic Manipulation
(Supplementary Materials)

H Li, Y Zhang, J Zhu, S Wang, MA Lee, H Xu, E Adelson, L Fei-Fei, R
Gao, …
Swingbot: Learning physical features from in-hand tactile
exploration for dynamic swing-up manipulation. In 2020 IEEE

C Wang, S Wang, B Romero, F Veiga, E Adelson
RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), 5633-5640, 0
” Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences* Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EH Adelson, JYA Wang, SA Niyogº
Newsome. WT (1985). The analysis of moving visual patterns

JA Movshon, EH Adelson, MS Gizzi
Stud)’group on pattern recognition mechanisms, 117-1511, 0
The Perceptual Buildup of Three-Dimensional Structure

EC Hildreth, NM Grzywacz, EH Adelson, VK Inada
On the Appearance of Translucent Edges: Supplementary Material

I Gkioulekas, S Harvard, B Walter, EH Adelson, K Bala, T Zickler
The Recognition of Material Properties for Vision and Video
Communication MIT2000-02

EH Adelson
Can you see what you feel? Color and folding properties affect
material discrimination of fabrics

B Xiao, W Bi, X Jia, H Wei, EH Adelson
Research Abstracts-2007

C Liu, WT Freeman, EH Adelson
Crisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual
Information–Supplementary Material

P Isola, D Zoran, D Krishnan, EH Adelson
ARAI, Y. 531 ARAKI, M. 639 ARASE, M. 521 ARAVENA, JL 189 ARCE, GR

9.601 J/24.949 J Language Acquisition I, Spring 2002

SL Chorover, S Corkin, PH Schiller, GE Schneider, HS Seung, …
The MIT Media Laboratory The MIT Media Laboratory Dept. Elec. Eng.
and Comp. Sci. Dept. Brain and Cognitive Sciences Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Massachusetts …

JYA Wang, EH Adelson
Aanjaneya, Mridul

M Abe, KT Abou-Moustafa, GD Abowd, WC Abraham, R Abugharbieh, …
MIT Media Lab Vision and Modeling Group Technical Report No. 223
Analyzing and Recognizing Walking Figures in XYT

SA Niyogi, EH Adelson
AI Memo No. 1141 August, 1989 CBIP Memo No. 20

EC Hildreth, NM Grzywacz, EH Adelson, VK Inada
Research Abstracts-2006

L Sharan, Y Li, EH Adelson
Acoustic Material Recognition

S Cavaco, EH Adelson
Estimating Surface Reflectance from Images

R Dror, EH Adelson
Recovering Intrinsic Images with Gaussian Conditional Random

MF Tappen, WT Freeman, EH Adelson
Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions (Banquet Talk)

EH Adelson
Recovering Intrinsic Images

MF Tappen, WT Freeman, EH Adelson