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Filter Intuitions
Program developed by Aaron Andalman

"Filtuit" is a Graphical User Interface for Matlab that allows the user to develop intuitions about filtering images. Filtuit is for filter intuition. Filtuit consists of two files, filtuit.m and filtuit.fig. These files need to be placed either in your matlab path or in your current matlab directory.

To run the tool, simply type 'filtuit' at the command prompt and press return. Then enter an image filename you would like to play with and click 'Load'.

Download m-file (Mac Users: option-click)

Download fig-file (Mac Users: option-click)

The link below goes to some images that might be fun to play with. The smile images are compliments of Ben Balas. To distinguish the two halves in these images you'll probably need to manually enter a filter. You might also need to look at a lower level of the pyramid, since they are rather large to start with.


-Aaron ( a n d a l m a n <a> M_I_T_e_d_u )


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