Transparent Motion Perception as Detection of Unbalanced Motion
Signals I: Psychophysics
Ning Qian, Richard A. Andersen and Edward H. Adelson
Published in
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 14, pp. 7357-7366 (1994).
Our visual system can solve the difficult problem of representing
multiple motions in the same part of the visual space, the motion
transparency problem. We investigated the conditions under which
transparent motion perception occurs through psychophysical
observations, using a series of visual displays composed of two simple
patterns moving in opposite directions. We found that whenever a display
has finely balanced opposing motion signals in all local regions, it is
perceptually non-transparent. The displays that appeared transparent
always contain locally unbalanced motion signals, with some local
regions having net motion signals in one direction and some other
regions in the opposite direction. These interdigitating net motion
signals in both directions appear to be integrated separately to form
two overlapping transparent surfaces. Displays that were spatially
balanced could be made perceptually transparent if the two components
moving in opposite directions were at different stereo depth planes or
had different spatial frequency contents. Our results can be explained
by proposing a disparity and spatial frequency-specific suppression
stage in the motion pathway, at which motion signals of different
directions, but of the same disparity and spatial frequency contents,
locally inhibit each other. Such a mechanism would suppress noise input
to the motion system, which generally activates several direction
channels simultaneously, and would still not eliminate activity evoked
by transparent surfaces that are at different depths or have different